Deventure’s 14 Step Wireframing Process for a Robust Software Delivery Experience

Deventure’s 14 Step Wireframing Process for a Robust Software Delivery Experience
Published 30th january 2023

Wireframes are low-fidelity visual representations of a user interface. As we all know they are used to design the layout and hierarchy of a user interface and are an important tool for web and app designers.

Wireframes are usually created early in the design process and are used to establish the basic structure of a user interface before visual design and content are added. They allow designers to experiment with different layouts and design elements without being overly concerned about the final look and feel of the user interface.

Wireframes are an important part of the design process because they help designers to:

  • Define the structure and layout of a user interface
  • Determine the placement of interface elements such as buttons, menus, and forms
  • Visualise the hierarchy of content and how it will be presented to users
  • Identify and resolve any issues with the user interface before moving on to the next stage of the design process
  • Communicate design ideas for stakeholder feedback

By creating wireframes, designers can ensure that the user interface is well-organised and easy to use before moving on to the more time-consuming tasks of visual design, content creation and product development.

Here is the step-by-step approach how Deventure builds wireframes for software products for their clients.

STEP1 - Client Meeting and Initial Engagement

STEP1 - Client Meeting and Initial Engagement

During the initial meeting with the client, Deventure’s team aims to gather as much information as possible about the proposed project. This includes understanding the purpose and format of the user stories, which are important for defining the functionality and goals of the project.

To help gather this information, our team introduces the client to a generic online requirement questionnaire. This questionnaire is designed to help the team understand the client's needs and goals for the project, as well as any specific functionalities or features that need to be included.

The purpose of this initial meeting is to get a high level understanding of all aspects of the project so that the team can begin to plan and execute the project effectively. By gaining a thorough understanding of the client's needs and goals, the team can ensure that the final product meets the client's expectations and delivers value to the end users.

If you intend to build a custom built solution for your enterprise you can fill up and submit a questionnaire below.

STEP 2 - Client Input and Submission of User Stories

STEP 2 - Client Input and Submission of User Stories

The client's completion and submission of the online form and user stories is an important step in the wireframing process. The user stories provide the development team with a detailed understanding of the future user experience and the components that will be needed to create it.

User stories are a critical element of the wireframing process as they help the team to understand the user's needs and goals, and to plan the structure and functionality of the user interface accordingly. By considering the user stories early on in the process, the team can ensure that the final product meets the user's needs and delivers an intuitive and enjoyable experience.

If the client needs any assistance at any stage during the process, they can feel free to contact their Deventure relationship manager. The relationship manager will be happy to help and to address any questions or concerns the client may have. The relationship manager is there to ensure that the client's needs are met and that the project runs smoothly from start to finish.

STEP 3 - Second Client Meeting to Clarify User Stories

STEP 3 - Second Client Meeting to Clarify User Stories

If the proposed project has a high degree of complexity, it may be necessary to have multiple meetings between the client and our team in order to fully understand and plan for the project's requirements. These meetings allow for a deep dive into the project's requirements and for collaboration between the client and the development team.

During these meetings, the development team may offer ideas and suggestions based on their experience and any specific research they have performed. It may take a few iterations of these meetings until the client is satisfied with the description of the project and the development team fully understands the requirements.

Effective engagement and collaboration at this stage is crucial for the success of the project. By working closely with the client and the development team, it is possible to ensure that the project meets the client's needs and delivers value to the end users. A good engagement process at this stage can help to set the project up for success.

STEP 4 - Project Research and Moodboard Creation

STEP 4 - Project Research and Moodboard Creation

Based on insights gained from the previous iterations of the project planning process, the Deventure team may conduct additional research to further understand the project's requirements and goals. This research may include benchmarking competitors and identifying best practices in the industry.

As part of this research process, the team may also start to visualise what the new system will look like and who will be using it. To communicate these concepts and visual ideas, the team may create a Moodboard. A Moodboard is a collage of images, materials, and text that is designed to evoke or project a particular style or concept. It is a useful visual tool for communicating ideas and helping the team to stay aligned on the project's goals and direction.

The Moodboard is created as a well-thought-out and planned arrangement, with the purpose of providing a clear and cohesive representation of the project's style and concept. It can be used as a reference throughout the design process to ensure that the final product aligns with the team's original vision.

STEP 5 - User Flow and Scenario Map

STEP 5 - User Flow and Scenario Map

Scenario Maps are a tool that can be used to help communicate user stories to the development team in a standard format. They allow the team to understand the actions and features that are relevant to each user role in the system.

For example, if the team is developing an app with multiple roles, a scenario map can help them to understand the specific actions and features that are relevant to each role. This can be useful for ensuring that the app is intuitive and easy to use for all users, regardless of their role.

Scenario Maps can be helpful for organising and visualising the various user stories and scenarios that need to be considered as part of the development process. By using a standard format, the team can more easily understand and plan for the specific needs and goals of each user role.

STEP 6 - Sitemap Creation

STEP 6 - Sitemap Creation

Once the User Flow and Scenario Map have been created, our team at Deventure will use this information to generate a Sitemap for the project. The Sitemap is a document that outlines the structure of the application, similar to how a floor plan outlines the structure of a building. It helps to visualise the organisation and relationships between the various pages and sections of the application.

The purpose of the Sitemap is to provide a solid foundation for the wireframing process, which involves creating detailed layouts and interlinks of the different pages that constitute the application. By creating a clear and well-organised Sitemap, the team can ensure that the wireframes accurately reflect the structure and functionality of the application.

Once the Sitemap has been created, it is important to review and discuss it with the client to ensure that it meets their needs and expectations. Once it has been agreed upon, the Sitemap can be used as a reference throughout the wireframing process to help keep the project on track.

STEP 7 - Client Feedback on Sitemap

STEP 7 - Client Feedback on Sitemap

When a sitemap is presented to a client, it is done so as a way of communicating the proposed structure and organisation of the website to the client. Our team will explain each element of the sitemap to the client, which will allow the client to understand how the website will be organised and how the various pages will be linked together.

After the sitemap is presented to the client, the Deventure team is likely to receive feedback from the client. This feedback may include suggestions for changes to the sitemap, or requests for additional features or functionality. The Deventure team will review this feedback and make any necessary changes to the sitemap. Once all final changes have been made, the sitemap will be considered validated and the team can proceed with the next steps in the website development process.

STEP 8 - Final Sitemap Preparation

STEP 8 - Final Sitemap Preparation

Our team then creates a final sitemap for the client's website and presents it for review. The sitemap thus serves as the blueprint for the wireframes, which are visual representations of the website's layout, interaction design and structure. The wireframes can then be used to plan the design and functionality of each page and how they will be linked. Once approved, the team can begin building the website

STEP 9 - Sitemap Sign Off

STEP 9 - Sitemap Sign Off

After presenting the final sitemap for a website to the client, our team and the client reach on an agreement on the overall structure and organisation of the website. Once this agreement has been reached, the sitemap is ready to be used to build the wireframes, which are visual representations of the website's layout and structure. The wireframes allow the team to plan the design and functionality of each page and how they will be linked.

STEP 10 - Deventure Generates Wireframes

STEP 10 - Deventure Generates Wireframes

Deventure then creates wireframes as a first step in the design process to establish the foundation for the prototype design. Wireframes are created using a variety of tools, such as pencil and paper or specialised software, and they typically include elements such as the layout of the page, the placement of buttons and other interactive elements, and the overall flow and product navigation. Wireframes serve as a blueprint for the prototype and help ensure that the final product meets the needs and goals of the client.

STEP 11 - Draft Wireframes Presented to the Client

STEP 11 - Draft Wireframes Presented to the Client

The draft wireframes presented by Deventure are detailed visual representations of the layout and functionality of a website or application. They are typically created using software tools, and show the various pages or screens that make up the product, as well as the elements that will be included on each page and how they will be arranged.

During the wireframing process, the client has the opportunity to provide feedback and suggestions on the design and functionality of the product. This feedback is taken into consideration by Deventure as they continue to refine and develop the wireframes. Once the client has provided their final feedback, our team can then move forward with creating a more detailed design, typically in the form of a high-fidelity prototype or mockup.

STEP 12 - Build the Final Wireframe

STEP 12 - Build the Final Wireframe

Once Deventure has received the final feedback from the client on the draft wireframes, they will use this feedback to make any necessary revisions and create the final wireframe. The final wireframe is a detailed and refined version of the draft wireframes. It clearly depicts the layout and functionality of each page or screen, as well as the position and functionality of all elements.

The final wireframe will be a complete and comprehensive representation of the client's vision for the product, and takes into account any changes or modifications requested by the client during the feedback sessions.

STEP 13 - Wireframes Delivered

STEP 13 - Wireframes Delivered

When a client receives the wireframes as a deliverable, they are able to review and provide feedback on the proposed structure and layout of the project. This allows the client to ensure that their goals and needs are being met and that the project is on track to meet their expectations. The wireframes can also serve as a reference for the development team as they begin to build out the final product.

STEP 14 - Wireframe Sign Off

STEP 14 - Wireframe Sign Off

The wireframes can be used in close collaboration with the client to determine the cost of the project by calculating the resources needed for each screen and process. This allows the client to prioritise or exclude elements in order to align with their budget. They can also identify which functionality is critical, especially if they are only interested in a Minimum Viable Product (MVP).

The wireframes serve as the foundation for creating a prototype, which focuses on the overall look and feel of the user experience. At this stage, the client can make decisions about what can be postponed to future releases.

Once the final wireframe is approved by the client, we then begin the process of designing and developing the product, using the wireframe as a guide.

In Conclusion

Deventures wireframing process can be a reliable method for creating a visual representation of a website or application's layout, content, and functionality, before any actual design or development work is done. This can help to ensure that the final product is functional, intuitive, user-friendly, and meets the needs of all stakeholders.

Some reasons you can rely on us for wireframing services include our experience and expertise, strong understanding of best practices, familiarity with the project scope and requirements, good customer service and support, and the use of the right tools and software.

Ultimately, the best way to determine whether you can rely on us for your wireframing services is by researching our past work, customer reviews and by talking to the team.

So if you are scouting for a wireframing solution provider look no further than Deventure. Launch your project with us and make your product development journey a grand success.


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